Officers’ should be professionally sound, competent and capable enough to perform its mandated task in an effective manner. It is more important for the field commanders and mid level staff officers working in Brigade or Headquarters to enhance the professionalism and effectiveness in service delivery as well as for to ensure the development and expansion of the organization. Officer must be able to identify the present security challenges within the country and abroad and should also be able to extract the essence considering the political, social, cultural, religious, economic, diplomatic and all other issues in a coherent manner. Company Commander and Staff Course is only aimed to develop junior level commanders and staff officers and is not sufficient enough to meet the actual needed requirements of the organization. So, to meet the needed requirement, Organization has envisaged and planning to conduct/run Command and Staff Course aiming to fulfill the present gap in mid level command and staff appointments. The course will incorporate professional as well as academic studies in recent pertinent issues along with some research works.
The aim of this course is to enhance professional knowledge and understanding of the student officers to prepare them for mid-level command and staff appointments and further experience them to assume higher command and staff responsibilities.